Overview of HF / VHF races – October 2004

The first days of October fall on a weekend, during which various races take place. In the middle of the month there will be the Pilsen Cup, na konci CQ WW DX SSB ContestOkrem toho aj ARRL EME Competition, nový RTTY pretek – The Makrothen Contest, ktorý podporujú všetci známi producenti rádioamatérskeho softwaru…. Je z čoho vyberať. We wish you much success!

Date UTC Bandpass filters Bandpass filters
2.10. 00.00-24.00 The Rumble PSK Contest 80-6m, prostitute
2.10. 04.00-06.00 SSB Liga 80m, SSB
2.-3.10. 08.00-08.00 Oceania DX Contest 160-10m, SSB
2.-3.10. 14.00-14.00 IARU Region 1 UHF/SHF Contest 70This weekend will take place, Bandpass filters
2.10. 15.00-19.00 EU Sprint Autumn SSB 80-20m, CW/SSB
3.10. 04.00-06.00 Operating assets KV 80m, CW
3.10. 07.00-19.00 RSGB 21/28 MHz Contest 15 a 10m, SSB
4.10. 19.30-20.30 Bandpass filters 160 SSB 160m, SSB
5.10. 18.00-22.00 Bandpass filters 2m, Bandpass filters
9.-10.10. 00.00-24.00 ARRL EME Competition 6m-23cm, CW/SSB/DIGI
9.10. 00.00-08.00 The Makrothen Contest (1) 80-10m, RTTY
9.10. 04.00-06.00 OM Activity Contest 80m, CW/SSB
9.-10.10. 08.00-08.00 Oceania DX Contest 160-10m, CW
9.10. 15.00-19.00 EU Sprint Autumn CW 80-20m, CW/SSB
9.10. 16.00-24.00 The Makrothen Contest (2) 80-10m, RTTY
10.10. 08.00-16.00 The Makrothen Contest (3) 80-10m, RTTY
11.10. 19.30-20.30 Bandpass filters 160 CW 160m, CW
12.10. 18.00-22.00 Bandpass filters 70cm, Bandpass filters
16.-17.10. 00.00-24.00 JARTS WW RTTY Contest 80-10m, RTTY
16.10. 05.00-06.30 Pilsen Cup 80m, CW/SSB
16.-17.10. 15.00-15.00 Worked All Germany Contest 80-10m, CW/SSB
17.10. 05.00-09.00 LZ Activity Contest 6Bandpass filters, Bandpass filters
17.10. 07.00-12.00 9Bandpass filters 2m, Bandpass filters
17.10. 07.00-12.00 ZRS Marathon 6m-70cm, Bandpass filters
17.10. 07.00-19.00 RSGB 21/28 MHz Contest 15 a 10m, CW
17.10. 08.00-11.00 Bandpass filters 2Bandpass filters, Bandpass filters
19.10. 18.00-22.00 NAC SHF Contest 80-10m, RTTY
25.10. 17.00-21.00 HG VHF Marathon 2m a 70cm, Bandpass filters
26.10. 18.00-22.00 Bandpass filters 6m, Bandpass filters
30.-31.10. 00.00-24.00 CQ WW DX SSB Contest 160-10m, SSB
30.-31.10. 00.00-24.00 CQ WW SWL Chalenge 160-10m, SSB
30.-31.10. 00.00-24.00 ARRL EME Competition 13This weekend will take place, CW/SSB/DIGI
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