Operating assets December 2006
As I expressed my conviction and intention some time ago, As I expressed my conviction and intention some time ago, I am happy to say so, that it is starting to take off.
Thanks to the stations from the region of Bardejov Stano OM3WSG, OM3KBW, Thomas OM0AST, Kamil OM0CS, OM3RXB and Jano OM3WKS from Svidník joined, Juraj OM3ZBG from Prešov, Števo OM0MS from Humenný, Milan OM3WFC from Snina, I believe Jojo OM3ZAS and Jozef OM3CHL from Košice, that on the third Sunday in January 2007 there will be plenty of us here. It doesn't matter at all that the rest of Slovakia won't hear us, it doesn't matter at all, that we all do not send reports, it is important to give points to colleagues from the east of Slovakia and to develop activity to support competition in our sport, to overcome the handicap of stations from the east on the VKV separated by mountains from the rest of Slovakia. We can't all have hundreds of watts, but we can all compete. Perhaps it would be appropriate to reconsider the conditions of the race, or subsidize stations from the east, announce the station from the east, of the west , Wednesday of Slovakia, or by large squares.
For example, finally evaluating NAJ QTH KN09, being the best with a kilowatt and a forest of antennas is not a sport after all!? Bandpass filters it talks about activity and operation, let's change the competition like this, to have a competition about participation and not about hundreds of points and a huge gap between stations. In the east, we started it last weekend, which is rightly called the radiometer spirit and I believe. that there will be more and more of us. friends join, give us points,get in touch through the translators , write to me at wyb@proxisnet.sk
Jano om3wyb