KVPA RESULTS LIST - KVPA - April results 2005 i.e.. 10. round XV of the QRO year -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. OK1PI P53 85x56=4760! 17. OK2FRP G62 71x50=3550 2. OK1IF L46 81x57=4617! 18. OK1DQP F54 68x50=3400 OM3EI BAD 81x57=4617! OK2ZJ Z76 68x50=3400 3. OM3EK KEA 82 x 55 = 4510 19. OK1FMG B27 68x49=3332* 4. OM3PA PAR 78x55=4290 OK2LF S74 68x49=3332 5. OK1DOL D33 78x54=4212* 20. OK1AMM F54 66x46=3036 OK2PRM R79 78x54=4212 21. OK1MMN A16 64x47=3008 OM8AA POP 78x54=4212 22. OK1LO B25 65x46=2990 6. OM8AQ KEO 79 x 52 = 4108 23. OK1AY D34 60x45=2700 7. OK2UQ Z76 76x54=4104 OM7AG ZVO 60x45=2700 8. OK2BGA M67 77x53=4081 24. OK2TRN G69 61x41=2501 9. OK1NE P53 75 x 53 = 3975 25. OK1CBB L51 55x44=2420 OK2PDT G60 75x53=3975 26. OM6FM ZIL 51x39=1989 OM2AK DST 75x53=3975 27. OK2BKP Z76 52x37=1924 10. OM7AT KRU 73 x 54 = 3942 28. OK2PYA M58 49x39=1911
KVPA RESULTS LIST - KVPA - April results 2005 i.e.. 10. round XV of the QRO year -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. OK1PI P53 85x56=4760! 17. OK2FRP G62 71x50=3550 2. OK1IF L46 81x57=4617! 18. OK1DQP F54 68x50=3400 OM3EI BAD 81x57=4617! OK2ZJ Z76 68x50=3400 3. OM3EK KEA 82 x 55 = 4510 19. OK1FMG B27 68x49=3332* 4. OM3PA PAR 78x55=4290 OK2LF S74 68x49=3332 5. OK1DOL D33 78x54=4212* 20. OK1AMM F54 66x46=3036 OK2PRM R79 78x54=4212 21. OK1MMN A16 64x47=3008 OM8AA POP 78x54=4212 22. OK1LO B25 65x46=2990 6. OM8AQ KEO 79 x 52 = 4108 23. OK1AY D34 60x45=2700 7. OK2UQ Z76 76x54=4104 OM7AG ZVO 60x45=2700 8. OK2BGA M67 77x53=4081 24. OK2TRN G69 61x41=2501 9. OK1NE P53 75 x 53 = 3975 25. OK1CBB L51 55x44=2420 OK2PDT G60 75x53=3975 26. OM6FM ZIL 51x39=1989 OM2AK DST 75x53=3975 27. OK2BKP Z76 52x37=1924 10. OM7AT KRU 73 x 54 = 3942 28. OK2PYA M58 49x39=1911 11. OK1AYY A14 77x50=3850 29. OM7SR BBY 47x40=1880 12. OK2KJ G62 72 x 53 = 3816 30. OK1FIY P53 48x39=1872 OM5BP PAR 72x53=3816 31. OM1TD CHAPTER 48x38=1824 13. OK1FOG F50 73x52=3796 32. OM3TLE BAN 42x35=1470 14. OM3CAZ TIME 71x53=3763 33. OK1WMJ C38 42x34=1428 15. OM8ON KEB 72x52=3744* 34. OK2TCW S73 = 34x26 884 16. OK1KZ A18 73x50=3650* 35. OK1ARQ F51 25x20= 500 in total 44 stations ! = invitation to send a diary * = clen TFC club QRP --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. OK5TFC G67 72 x 48 = 3456[ok2na]*! 4. OK1FTG B28 50x36=1800 2. OK1DPB B25 64x48=3072 5. OK2PMS S74 41x35=1435 3. OK1DDP P53 62x46=2825 SWL --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. OK1-11861 MOTYCKA Josef Jablonne n.O. 6x6=36 Evaluator's comments: Regarding the last result list: Add participants to the result list: OK2NA G67 82x57=4674 OK1AYY A14 90x57=5130 When comparing with the participants and the results achieved in round 04/2004/QRO, I find, with: in total 43 stations, 1.misto OM2AK za 92 x 77 = 7084 volume [you did "old" by CODE] I remind applicants for diplomas that it is possible to get S-OK-CW without QSL ownership just for participating in the KVPA institute -> info+conditions are in the section ZAVODY@OK and CZDIPL@OK. Websites http://ok1hcg.weblight.info Then without problems, na pripadne problemy upozornete webmastera - Thank you. You can fill in/enter the result/report from the factory directly on the website in the form . I have already received several dozen reports like this, and whether, that everything works as it should. There is also an opportunity to enter your comments and suggestions in the public forum- pieces and respond to comments - of course in the spirit of HAM-SPIRIT ? ***************************************************************************** Info about the KVPA plant can be found in site PR
or I will answer your questions or comments. ***************************************************************************** It's connected to me: GSM tlf = +420 604 406 673 [ PEVNA LINKA ZRUSENA ] SKYPE tlf = ok1hcg e-mail = ok1hcg@tiscali.cz ICQ = 114589059 ***************************************************************************** The next round of KVPA will be 1. floral 2005 from 06.00 do 08.00 local time. In Prague, 25.4. 2005 evaluated: Karel OK1HCG
Article evaluation