Advised stations in CQ WW CW conteste 2008

Invitation - OTC SARA Memorial - spring SSB race, Invitation - OTC SARA Memorial - spring SSB race, Invitation - OTC SARA Memorial - spring SSB race, 29. – 30.November 2008

 Call        Entity                   Zone    Class     QSL Via -----------------------------------------------------------------------  3X5A Guinea                   35      M/M        G3SXW - LotW 5J0T        San Andres & Providence 08      M/?        HA7RY 4F1AL       Philippines              27      SOSB       4F1AL 5X1NH       Uganda                   37      SO LP      G3RWF 6V7N        Senegal                  35      SOAB LP    DL1EFD 6Y1V        Jamaica                  08      M/?        OH3RB 8P5A        Barbados                 08      SOAB HP    NN1N 8Q7SC       Maldives                 22      SOAB LP LotW 9J3A Zambia                   36      LP         S53A AH0BT       Mariana Is               27      SOAB HP 7L1FPU
 C4N         Cyprus                   20      M/S        W3HNK C6AKX       Bahamas                  08      SOSB 20M   WA4WTG C6ARR       Bahamas                  08      SOSB 160M  WA4WTG C6ATA       Bahamas                  08      SOSB 80M   WA4WTG C91LW       Mozambique               37      SOSB       UY5LW CN2R        Morocco                  33      SOSB       W7EJ CO8ZZ       Cuba                     08      SOSB 20M DK1WI CS9M Wood                  33      SOAB LotW CT9L Wood                  33      M/?        DJ6QT CU2A Azores                   14      SOAB OH2BH CW5W Uruguay                  13      M/S        CX6VM CW7T        Uruguay                  13      SOAB HP    K5WW E21EIC      Thailand                 26      SO LP      E21EIC   EE2W        Spain                    14      M/?        EB2BXL EF8M        Canary Is                33      M/2        OH1RY EY8MM       Tajikistan               17      SOSB 80M   K1BV FJ/WJ2O     St Barthemely            08      SOAB LP    WJ2O FK8IF       New Caledonia            32      TBA        FK8IF GU4YOX      Guernsey                 14      SOSB 40M   GU4YOX H7/K9ZO     Nicaragua                07                 K9GY (may be YN2ZO) HD2M        Ecuador                  10      M/M        SM6FKF HP1RIS      Panama                   07      SOSB 10M   HP1RIS IG9W        African Italy            33      SOSB 40M   IZ1GAR IG9X        African Italy            33      SOSB 80M   IK1QBT   IH9M        African Italy            33      SOSB       IK7JWY IR9X        Sicily                   15                 LotW IR9Y        Sicily                   15      M/S        IT9ABY J3/DL5AXX   Grenada                  08      SOAB       DL5AXX J49I        Crete                    20      M/S        IK0EFR J68VV       St Lucia                 08      SOAB       K5WW-LotW JU1DX       Mongolia                 23      M/S        JU1DX KG6DX       Guam                     27      SOAB HP    KG6DX direct-LotW KH6/NE1RD   Hawaii                   31      SOAB LP    NE1RD KH0ABT      Marianas Is.             27                 7L1FPU Direct KP2B        Virgin Is                08      SOAB       EA7FTR Direct KP2M        Virgin Is                08      M/2        AI4U KP4EE       Puerto Rico              08      SOAB       KP4EE LN3Z        Norway                   14      M/S        LA9VDA LU8YE       Argentina                13      M/?        EA7FTR LZ9W        Bulgaria                 20      M/M        LZ1PM OH0Z        Aland Is                 15      SOAB HP    W0MM OP4K        Belgium                  14      M/S        ON4JZ P40W        Aruba                    09      SOAB       N2MM-LotW PJ2T        Netherlands Antilles     09      M/2        N9AG-LotW PJ4A        Netherlands Antilles     09      M/?        K4BAI PZ5TT       Suriname                 09      SOAB VE3DZ RA9A Russia (Asia)            17      M/S        RK9AWN T88CJ       Palau                    27      SOAB HA7TM TM2S France                   14      M/S        F5PED TM4Q        France                   14      M/S        F6FYA TO4X        St Martin                08      M/?        KQ1F TO5X Martinique               08                 K5UN UN4L        Kazakhstan               17      80M HP V26K        Antigua                  08      SOAB LP    AA3B VK8NSB      Australia                29      SOAB VK6NE VK9AA Cocos (Keeling)          29      SOAB       DL8YR VP5W        Turks & Caicos           08      M/S        W7TSQ VP9I        Bermuda                  05      SOSB20M LP VP9I/QRZ.COM VU2PAI      India                    22      SOAB       Direct XV4BX       Vietnam (AS-128)         26      SOAB LP    HB9BXE XW1B        Laos                     26      SOAB       E21EIC YM3A        Turkey (Asian zone)      20      M/2        LZ1NK YN2Z        Nicaragua                07                 K9ZO-Lotw YS4RR El Salvador              07      SOAB LP    LotW YW4D        Venezuela                09      SOAB       EA7JX-LotW Z37M        Macedonia                15      M/2        Z37M (Bureau) ZF2AM       Cayman Is                08      SOAB K6AM-LotW ZP0R                 11      SOAB       ZP5AZL ZS4TX       South Africa             38      SOAB HP    LotW
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