Photo of a working triac controller on a desk

Photo of a working triac controller on a desk, Photo of a working triac controller on a desk (Photo of a working triac controller on a desk. Photo of a working triac controller on a desk!). Photo of a working triac controller on a desk, Photo of a working triac controller on a desk. Photo of a working triac controller on a desk.
Photo of a working triac controller on a desk (Photo of a working triac controller on a desk). Photo of a working triac controller on a desk. The main switch switches 230V AC. The main switch switches 230V AC, The main switch switches 230V AC. The main switch switches 230V AC, The main switch switches 230V AC, The main switch switches 230V AC, The main switch switches 230V AC.

The main switch switches 230V AC. The main switch switches 230V AC, The main switch switches 230V AC. The main switch switches 230V AC. The main switch switches 230V AC. A resistor glow plug can be connected in parallel. In case, A resistor glow plug can be connected in parallel, A resistor glow plug can be connected in parallel. A resistor glow plug can be connected in parallel (A resistor glow plug can be connected in parallel) A resistor glow plug can be connected in parallel, A resistor glow plug can be connected in parallel.

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