Nikola Tesla, 150-the anniversary of the birth of the pioneer of electricity
Nikola Tesla was born 10. July 1856 in Smiljan in Dalmatia, in the family of an Orthodox priest. He first studied in Graz, later in Prague. After graduating from the Prague technical school, he worked in Budapest in a telephone company. He already drew attention to himself there with some practical inventions, and so he received an offer from the Paris branch of the Edison company. He accepted the offer and in 1882 he went to Paris. After another two years, he left for America. There he initially worked with Edison, however, due to considerable differences of opinion, they soon broke up.
AC propagator
Tesla was a promoter of alternating current and he did not find understanding in Edison. In America, Tesla received a number of patents, especially in the field of multiphase currents and high frequency. He also tried to transmit electricity wirelessly, however, after initial successes, he ultimately failed. This problem is still not solved today.
The most impressive invention – Tesla coil
He joined the opponents of Edison's direct current and was employed by electrical magnate and Edison's competitor George Westinghouse. He is the inventor of the electric motor, powered by alternating current. Jeho najpôsobivejším vynálezom je však Tesla coil. Its largest coil was diam 15 meters. He was often photographed inside his coils, as he reads a book, while lightning flashed around him.
Tesla coil
Cieľom Teslovej cievky bolo vytvoriť systém prenosu energie cez vzduch bez použitia káblov alebo vedení. Teslova cievka mala schopnosť vytvárať a zosilňovať vysokofrekvenčné elektrické impulzy a bola navrhnutá na bezdrôtový prenos energie na veľké vzdialenosti.
Hoci Teslovu cievku pôvodne navrhol pre experimenty v bezdrôtovom prenose energie, dnes je známa a využívaná aj v iných oblastiach, vrátane rádiových komunikácií, medicíny a výskumu. Jej využitie sa rozšírilo a je dôležitým prvkom v mnohých moderných technológiách.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla, geniálny vynálezca a inovátor, zanechal svojou Teslovou cievkou trvalý odkaz v oblasti elektrickej technológie a bezdrôtového prenosu energie, čo dodnes posúva naše chápanie a využitie elektrickej energie. Je symbolom jeho vizionárskeho myslenia a prínosu pre modernú technológiu.
He died in New York 7. January 1943 in age 86 years.