OM Activity Contest – new year

In a few days, 14.November 2020, the new year begins OM Activity Contest, races in the zone 80 meters for OM and OK CW stations / SSB / MIX in two performance categories, QRO to QRP. Here are the full terms and conditions:

1. Date

They have races 12 stage, each stage takes place every second Saturday in the relevant month from 06,00 do 06,59 local time by CW operation and from 07,00 do 07,59 local time by SSB operation.


TRX Pixie 2 TRX Pixie
TRX Pixie 2 TRX Pixie

2. Frequencies

He competes in the band 80 m in the following frequency bands:

3520 – 3560 kHz (CW)

3700 – 3770 kHz (SSB)


3. Categories

3.1. QRO CW + SSB (transmitter power max. 100 W)

3.2. QRO CW (transmitter power max. 100 W)

3.3. QRO SSB (transmitter power max. 100 W)

3.4. QRP CW + SSB (transmitter power max. 5 W)

3.5. QRP CW (transmitter power max. 5 W)

3.6. QRP SSB (transmitter power max. 5 W)


CW pastiche RA1AOM
CW pastiche RA1AOM

4. Competition code

The competition code composed of RS is exchanged(T) and the serial number of the connection starting from 001. Connections are numbered continuously, regardless of the stages.


5. Scoring

Each valid connection is evaluated 1 bodom. For a connection to the same station in both modes, it is added for the second connection 1 additional point, that is, the CW and SSB connections to the same station are evaluated 3 bodmi.


6. Multipliers

The multipliers are the different last letters of the counterparty's marks once per relevant OMAC monthly stage plus the last letter of the own mark, unless it is included in the connection with another station.

The maximum number of multipliers is 26.


Contest so SunSDR2
Contest so SunSDR2

7. The result

The total result of the competing station is calculated after evaluating all connections according to the formula: sum of points x sum of multipliers. The evaluator will calculate the result based on the submitted competition log.


8. Sending logs

Logs for the relevant OMAC stage are sent exclusively via the web interface on the website. The log must be sent to 7 days after the end of the relevant monthly phase (t.j. next saturday until 08,00 local time). After this deadline, logging is automatically deactivated.

The data sent via the web interface must contain:

8.1. Call sign of the competing station

8.2. Designation of the given monthly stage

8.3. Email address of the competing station

8.4. Category

8.5. Attached complete diary in Cabrillo format

8.6. Affidavit:

I declare on my honor, that I complied with the competition conditions and permitting conditions for amateur stations and the data in the diary are true. I agree with the publication of the sent station log. I consider the evaluator's decision to be final.

All connections retrieved from the connected log are displayed on the web interface before the log is sent to the evaluator.. The competing station must confirm the correctness and completeness of the read connections. By confirming the diary, the competing station agrees with the read diary and affidavit.


Yaesu FT-2000
Yaesu FT-2000

9. Evaluation

9.1. Each stage of the race will be evaluated separately. The results of the stage for the given month will be published on the website in the OM Activity Contest section.

9.2. The full-year OMAC evaluation will include the nine best stage results during the year. The year begins with the November stage and ends with the October stage (example: year of studies 2018 begins with a stage 11/2017 and ends with a stage 10/2018).

9.3. Only connections confirmed on both sides in the competition logbooks and with a correctly accepted competition code are accepted (that 4). Connections with stations, who did not send a diary, shall be counted only in the case of, if their call sign has appeared in at least five competition dailies (regardless of CW or SSB operation).

9.4. The final results will be published seven days after the end of the relevant phase and will be included in the annual evaluation.


10. Disqualification

The competing station will not be evaluated at the given monthly stage:

10.1. if it violates the OMAC competition conditions or the permit conditions for amateur stations

10.2. if, as a result of errors in its competition logbook, other competing stations are damaged, the number of such errors exceeding 30 % of the total number of connections in her log

The log of such a station will be excluded from checking for other stations.