Quadranty 2006
Quadrantites, along with Geminids and Perseids, are among the most active swarms. The swarm's activity begins on December 28 and ends on January 7, whereas veľmi ostré maximum očakávame 3.januára o 18 OUT (+/- 3 hours), keď ZHR by malo dosiahnuť 120 (45 to 200). A swarm consists mainly of larger particles moving at speed 41,5 km/s.
The most suitable times for connections in the NE-SW axes 9 to 16 OUT, V-Z are not, SZ-JV 22 to 05 OUT, S-J 00 to 05 a 09 to 14 OUT.
Ráno počas maxima je najvhodnejším obdobím pre vizuálne pozorovania, samozrejme za podmienky vhodného počasia.