Wire antennas for LF – proceedings

A few enthusiasts, dealing with traffic in the lower HF bands are preparing a collection (Czech), which will contain, if possible, not yet published or. in books and magazines unpublished antennas for bands 160/80/40 resp. 30m. The intention is to put antennas together in a collection, which circulate among the radio amateur public on various “papers from the snack”, beer coasters or. were published e.g. in a collection many years ago and these (if anyone is able to get it) are redrawn, copy etc. Some of them are certainly already on internet servers nowadays, but there are still a number of antennas, which successfully escape these media and the amateur radio community that does not rule the Internet would certainly welcome them in a paper version. As part of cost-saving measures, there are no plans to commission the printing of a standard book at the publishing house. The implementation depends mainly on the interest of DX-men from the ranks of enthusiasts “long bands. This is all the topics, comments and contributions are welcome at indians@seznam.cz or. ok1rp@qsl.net. The assumed rubrics are vertical, quads, loopy, beamy, helicaly, prijimaci beverage, loops etc.
It's an effort, so that it is not about rewriting books about antennas, of o “collected works” about LF antennas for superscenarios serving as inspiration for experiments.

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