IOTA contest 2011

Next weekend, 30.July from 12.00UTC to 31 July 12.00UTC is held IOTA Contest 2011. IOTA stations and all other stations compete. It competes in the 80m bands, 40m, 20m, 15m and 10m, where stations must comply with IARU recommendations for contest operation (may not be broadcast in segments 3500-3510, 3560 – 3600, 3650 – 3700, 14060 – 14125 a 14300 – 14350kHz).

The IOTA Contest is announced in these categories:

  • Island (island) – stations working from the IOTA islands with an assigned IOTA ref. number
  • World (world) – other stations


  • Single Operator
  • Single-Operator Assisted (allowed DX Cluster, remote RX stanice a pod)
  • Multi-Operator (iba 24hod MIX). Operators can use max. 2 stations, the second station can only do multipliers, may not call a challenge or QRZ. DX Cluster and Internet enabled


  • 24 hours
  • 12 hours – operation may not last continuously 12 hours, but breaks must last a minimum 60 minutes)


  • CW
  • SSB
  • MIX


  • High power – maximum 1500W out
  • Low power – maximum 100W out
  • QRP – maximum 5W out

Competition code
RS(T) + serial number of the connection from 001 + (IOTA stations) IOTA number

The serial number is sold continuously regardless of mode. One CW and one SSB connection can be established with one station on one band.


  • QSO with non-IOTA station – 3 body
  • QSO with an IOTA station – 15 points. The exception is the Iceland connection – Island of stations working from the island with the same ref. number, in that case they are counted 3 body.

IOTA islands made on CW + IOTA islands made on SSB

The sum of points for connections from all bands times the total sum of multipliers

Elektronické denníky e-mailom do 21.augusta 2011 in CABRILLO format. Pay attention to the correct heading and categories. Send logs to


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