Big money grab FT8

Much has been written about FT8. It is certain, that this mode has its supporters and opponents. One of the views is presented by Wayne N0UN. Since we have already brought previews of how to configure the setup for FT8 or obtain diplomas, so let's try to look at another point of view.

DX expeditions have turned to the laziest and easiest way to make money – FT8.

Someone has to say it – DX expeditions figured it out, that they can turn on their automatic FT8 computer scripts and make more money, as if they were actually running their radio on SSB or CW.

Spectrum of KV signals in HDSDR software
Spectrum of KV signals in HDSDR software

“Money for nothing and babies for free”. And the ARRL approves, because they also make decent money from it. All the lazy ones, computer written 24 hours a day, 7 days of the week text QSOs count towards their DXCC program. Those stations with dipoles under the roof without a human mode stumble, so that they can pay their ARRL membership dues and again pay for DXCC credits. The ARRL and DX expeditions came up with the method, how to print money.

Lazy DX shippers claim, that there is no one to work on CW or phone. Have you ever noticed, that the FT8 spots from these DX expeditions never stop? All day long, all night, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the computers are banging it. On DX expedition TN8 (translator's note: apparently TN8K), which I watched, it went up every night 9 drone computers on FT8, only for most of them to convert back to SSB and CW shortly after their exit, when people woke up. Completely and totally automated. Awakening with others 5 000 Q v logo. They cannot resist the lure of easy money.

But shhhhh! It's a big secret. Nobody talks about it, nobody wants to admit, that it is happening. Everyone for himself, just get those easy DXCC credits, while you're at dinner or outside mowing the lawn – and for DX dispatchers – collect those 5 to 10 dollars by Paypal for requesting LoTW, while you sleep. 100 000 Q, 40 000 unique, or digital, or ATNO, or how many bandfills are there at 5 dollars per LoTW request? Do the math, the boys. All for computer QSOs with computer digital file recording (LoTW). This will pay for DX shipping, Nope?

LPDA 6-element antenna
LPDA 6-element antenna

Current DX expedition T22T with more than 98 % from his 83 thousand Q are FT. VK9LAA, ZD9W all follow, everyone on FT8. Fake ham radio at best. Lazy, thoughtless, computerized text messages are now a profitable business.

Don't deny it: He is lazy, how lazy does.

Don't even bother me with gifts anymore “forward”, don't even ask my companies, to “sponsored” these embarrassing “TXT of the expedition”. you, FT8eri, go pay for the game and leave me out of the bullshit – go to and play there, lol.

N0UN (a true DXer, Nope “TXTer” pretender)

Translated from the original

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11 months ago

Still the same song. Let everyone do what they want. Someone likes KV, someone SSB, someone VHF, someone microwaves, someone is doing a bounce off the moon, someone likes to chat through the converter, someone likes to build antennas. Another one talks via DMR or DSTAR, after all, it doesn't matter. Let everyone do what they want and especially what they enjoy, what makes him happy. And no one is forcing anyone to pay to connect to FT8 …

Answer to OK1SIM
11 months ago


I do not agree. Otherwise, you did not understand what the author was talking about.

FT8 nemozeme porovnavat s SSB, VHF, microwaves as you write. Also days with DMR, DSTAR a podobnymi …

This is about something different and it was beautifully explained by the author of the article.

I personally think so too, they FT8 not your mod, which should be included in DXCC, which brings us joy from it, that we made a connection with a new country, zone etc …

It is, as written in the article, automatic, which serves for that, that we know, that the given direction is open on the given band in the given mode and there is the potential to make a real qso, th long ssb, cw, psk, rty … QSO, which requires the presence of the operator, man, who will do something about it, to make that connection. FT8 this man, radioamaterovi nedava. Z22O Z21A Zimbabwe, FT8 is a somarina, which spoils our beautiful hobby.

Answer to om0rx
11 months ago

If I don't share FT8, don't borrow me, but why can't someone do it? Why should it be somarina?? And everyone does what they want. That counts in DXCC, ok, but I can't do it and I won't change it. Well, someone (I don't know who's driving it) change, at se to nezapocitava. But why on earth can't people broadcast FT8, JS8Call, or RTTY or SSTV, what a difference it is? That's what the machine does? This is a museum of the past and the latest mods. Nelibi se te to, Leave it. It is always one single frequency. I don't know. Ignore her. Why should I give a shit if someone does something that I personally don't enjoy? I don't understand this attitude. But everyone has the right to think what they want. I have no problem with that. I just don't get it.

Answer to om0rx
11 months ago

FT mode YES X NO is everyone's choice. I “a simple thing” a number of hams do not handle. Incorrectly set signal levels, missing SW calibration. But everything is clear and simple.
When many users do not speak English, so they are not even able to read the excellent manual by ZL2IFB. It just boils down to pointless clicking. And exactly this sorta could not configure macros for RTTY years ago, PSK and other mods in Fldigi or MMVARI.
But sure “clickers” they are excellent CW/SSB DXman operators and contest gurus.
And it is “better league” .
That's what Hamspirit is all about, that K1JT et al. they made a functional and debugged SW available to everyone for free.
Anyone can have it. Josef, Petr, Stand, David………..
The advantage is, that even a below-average QRP transceiver and wire antennas are enough.
And nice QSOs can be made.
If it eliminates FT mode hamspirit, is interesting, that hamspirit guardians don't mind Remote Access.
I manually confirm the saving of each QSO. A QSO ends with a sequence for me 73 or RR 73.

Let everyone do what they want, what you like and what suits you. Especially if he finances it himself.
And if he doesn't bother colleagues on the bands, what more could you wish for??

Answer to om0rx
11 months ago

FT QSO is passed by call, report, QTH, zone and time are in the log. It meets all the necessary attributes for QSO recognition as well as SSB/CW/RTTY and other modes.
What is it in? “other ” I didn't understand. That a PC is necessary??? Today, every hamshack has several PCs and monitors.

11 months ago

I tried, thank you, I do not operate…….

William OM0AAO / OM0A
William OM0AAO / OM0A
11 months ago

FT8 is an indirect cause of this, which is what N0UN was trying to point out. Any other mod could be causing it, which would work automatically.

The ARRL DXCC program is divided into four basic modes: Mixed, Phone, CW a Digital. It does not take into account, whether the connection was established by a human or a robot. Thus, the same diploma can be obtained by a human operator, which makes all the necessary connections himself, but also a robot, which someone starts. That seems unfair to me, Not to you?

But that's a DXCC setup issue, not FT8.

Following this, however, DX expeditions began to take advantage of the FT8, and even in the form of unattended operation. For the "hunters" part, who say FT8 also causes it, that the DX expedition will spend less time on other modes. And that's what I think N0UN wrote about.

I would also point out that, that this kind of operation reduces self-education and self-development. For example, if a DX expedition in CW/SSB works split, a number of operators try to listen in the split window and find out the frequency, on which DX expedition is listening.

Another factor is the development of languages. One of the powerful experiences of my youth on the bands was listening to the operator, who answered callers in different languages (in English, Russian, Spanish,…). It was a motivation for me in the following years to achieve similar abilities.

But as long as someone wants to run FT8, of course he can. N0UN just tried to point out how he sees it.

Answer to William OM0AAO / OM0A
11 months ago

Fairy, I don't know the reason why you are fixed, that FT8 = automatic operation.
OK1VPZ and many other hams think exactly the same way.
There are other spells for them ala SDR and Remote station.
SW depends on how it is set up and used. It's about every single ham and individual approach.
There are SW clones built directly for automatic operation.
Also, not everyone drives according to the rules on the roads.
In addition, the operation of the automatic station, not allowed in OK without operator supervision.
It is possible, but you have to have a license for it.
I am always physically present at the station and check traffic. I save the QSO in the log manually and check it, what i save.
Maybe only to N0UN, that he is sorry, he won't get a cent. That's how I see it.
Jirka OK2BRD once called it correctly as “the fall of hierarchy”
FT operations 100 DXCC in the log for the weekend, It is cool, much more is possible. This is not black magic, but just look at the traffic share of individual mods in recent years.
For DX operation, split and pile-up usual for SSB/CW, it works the same for FT operation.
It's called Fox-Hound operation. (F/H) Commonly used by expeditions and DX stations today.
Languages, mainly, we use English today both colloquially and at work. After almost 35 years, I got some Russian textbooks and occasionally look at them. It certainly wasn't because of the radio.
I somehow learned telegraphy and had a C class ( limited access to KV 100W)
I like DIGI. It doesn't bother anyone, DIGIs don't listen, but they read and watch.

William OM0AAO / OM0A
William OM0AAO / OM0A
Answer to Lada OK1UNL
11 months ago

Láďo, the exception proves the rule. Just look at the online logs, which some have in their profiles on QRZ and you can see how the connections jump non-stop. From four radio amateurs, which I visited recently had three FT8s in unattended operation.

Answer to William OM0AAO / OM0A
11 months ago

Fairy, you cannot relate to one specific mode.
Check out some radio kolkhozes that are online 24/7/365.
A group of hams hold services and do DX and Expedition on each other's calls.
I watch WSPR and post spots. I have Digikam open on the same PC and edit photos, I'm listening to music. I'll look after half an hour, how it goes and where… Just RX.
You can recognize the machine easily.
Technology moves forward. SDR and Remote stations = remote access.
A topic that is also addressed by the latest Practical Wireless.
FT operations definitely do not destroy ham radio. I would look for the reasons in outdated and inflexible organizations ala IARU, in national organizations.

11 months ago

What about remote stations then? I know people who pay for a room with equipment in Malta and stay at home and make connections from another location.
What about competitions where the call is recorded! it’s also an automatic.
I don’t pay anyone anything there, I do my own thing at ft8 because that’s all I can do when the children are at home.
Live and let live. And the frustrated N0UN probably wasn’t invited to such a trip and his pocket is hurting.

Ladislav OK1UNL
Ladislav OK1UNL
Answer to SP3BOP
11 months ago

More than,
me have a private station – remote RX only. Some guys after some requests tested it and asked me for support of their DX/contest activities for holp with building true remote station equipped by Flex SDR, professionally manufactured antennas etc… Especially they are interested by low bands TOP band, 80/40 mtrs. Money support of course was promised. The world is about money. Ham radio of course too.

The best is, of course, phosphor bronze
The best is, of course, phosphor bronze
11 months ago will probably be another poor man, which cannot turn on the PC and therefore just spits around. Let everyone have fun as they want, as long as he does not harm others with the entertainment.

Ladislav OK1UNL
Ladislav OK1UNL

N0UN is sad, it doesn't bother him. There are plenty of those in OK as well.
You know them exactly. Crossed out FT8 logo on QRZ, (a)social networks, websites.
I remember 80m, OK crowd shouted, that their PC is not allowed to hamshack …
The gang is gone and everyone has several PCs in hamshack.

Ladislav OK1UNL
Ladislav OK1UNL
Answer to om0aao
11 months ago

Fairy, look here:
first page of the manual. The trend will continue in the coming years 2022 a 2023.
The telegraph operator was used to full bands. Today he has an option in CQ WW CW.
N0UN will not be twenty years old, but a senior with a lifelong interest in radio.
Such an irritant, that i will do 100 DXCC for the weekend and WAC for 1 hour of operation.
And I don't need an extreme antenna farm, but a below average = QRP setup is enough.
No, for some hams this is a certain disappointment, amplified by the money that was invested.

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