List of HF / VHF races March 2003

Once again we bring you an overview of the most interesting races on KV / VKV – in March 2003. We wish you many nice connections and good results.

Date UTC Bandpass filters Bandage is fashionable
28.2.-2.3. 16.00-24.00 CZEBRIS Contest CW, 80-10m
1.-2.3. 00.00-24.00 ARRL DX SSB Contest SSB, 160-10m
1.3. 05.00-07.00 SSB Liga SSB, 80m
1.-2.3. 14.00-14.00 I. subregional races CW/SSB, 2Bandpass filters
1.-2.3. 22.00-01.59 Novice Rig Roundup RTTY
2.3. 05.00-07.00 Operating assets KV CW, 80m
2.3. 11.00-17.00 DARC 10m digital contest “Corona” DIGI, 10m
3.3. 20.00-22.00 Bandpass filters 160 SSB SSB, 160m
8.3. 05.00-07.00 OM Activity Contest CW/SSB, 80m
8.-9.3. 12.00-11.00 UA99WS SSB, 80-10m
9.3. 06.00-10.00 VRK plant CW/SSB, 80m
10.3. 20.00-22.00 Bandpass filters 160 CW CW, 160m
15.-17.3. 02.00-02.00 BARTG Spring Contest RTTY, 80-10m
15.3. 10.00-15.00 S5 VHF/UHF Maraton CW/SSB, 2m a 70cm
15.-16.3. 12.00-12.00 Russian DX Contest CW/SSB, 160-10m
15.-16.3. 12.00-12.00 DARC SSTV Contest SSTV
16.3. 06.00-10.00 LZ Activity Contest CW/SSB, 6Bandpass filters
16.3. 08.00-11.00 Bandpass filters CW/SSB, 2Bandpass filters
24.3. 00.00-04.00 QRP Homebrewer Sprint CW/PSK31
29.-30.3. 00.00-24.00 CQ WW WPX SSB Contest SSB, 160-10m
30.3. 07.00-16.00 VI.Contest of the Sections CW/SSB, 2m
31.3. 17.00-21.00 HG VHF Marathon CW/SSB, 2m a 70cm
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